Monday, September 22, 2008

Hunter is so happy.....

For the last year, poor Hunter, has not had too many creature comforts. He had my bed (his favorite), the couch, and the table chairs to sit on. But, in his new house, he has so many places to curl up and relax, he doesn't even know what to do with himself. The bench in this top picture is his new favorite place to curl up, but as you can see from the pics below, he has found plenty of other places as well.

He likes to keep me company, so the other day while I was on the computer, he decided to get really close. It might have had something to do with the sunlight coming through the blinds on the desk as well.... :-)

He knows enough to stay out of Brooke's reach. She loved staring up at him. She was laughing and jumping up and down. He just stared at her and twitched his tail.

He loves to cuddle, so Zach was especially happy when he cuddled up with him the other day. So happy he asked me to take his picture. :-)

Another favorite spot.

The sun is definitely a good draw for him. He dearly loves the outdoors and at my other apartments he hasn't had a whole lot of room to explore, so I am happy for my kitty! He still doesn't get outside, but he has a lot more room to explore and keep himself busy.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

what a pretty kitty! my kids wouldnt mind bringing one of those home.:)