Monday, November 5, 2007

A little bit of this and that....

Well, I am really disappointed in myself. I went trick or treating with the kids and totally forgot my camera. I can't believe I would do that. I always go trick or treating with my kids and this year I convinced my friend Rhoda and her 1 yr old, Elizabeth, to go with us. They live in Cincinnati where it probably isn't the best place to go trick or treating. ;-) Elizabeth was so cute! She would hold the bucket out, they would put candy in, and then she would wave. SO adorable. Towards the end of the night, her bucket was so heavy she had to hold it with two hands, we started talking about going home and she started saying, "Mo, Mo" Too cute. By the way for those of you who don't know baby talk that means MORE! :-) All in all we had a lot of fun, and it was a beautiful night.
I am now employed at Kenwood mall as a sales person for the christmas season at the Picture People. It has been interesting to get to know this side of the picture taking business. I don't know if I will stay after Christmas we will have to see how it goes. So far it is going well, and it is all very interesting, which I like. SO if anyone wants to get their pics taken come on over and visit us! :-)


becky said...

Sounds like you had a nice time. I know what you mean about forgeting your camera, I hate when I do that. Glad you all had a nice time.

Eileen said...

Holly what is it with cameras I was reading someones elses blog and their camera wasn't working. I would hate it if I didn't have my camera or it wasn't working. I carry it with me all the time right in my purse. Of course my purse is probably to some a suitcase. Have you heard we may get our first snowfall tonight. Right I will believe it when I see it.
Well, thanks for sharing. Love Ya!

Maggie said...

I hate it when I forget the camera!

I just got a promotion in the mail from picture people! Cool that you work there!!

Cara said...

Hey Holly,

What a job! Sorry to have missed you in Michigan! Hope everything else is going ok--we'll have to talk soon.