Liss and Jade came down for a visit last week. It was so nice to spend some time with them. She didn't really get to do too much since both Erin and I had to work for the most part, but we had fun anyway.

Erin and Liss decided to drive home Thursday night after Erin got out of work, so while we were waiting for Erin, Liss and I got Jade's pictures taken. That is a story unto itself. They didn't even start taking her pics until a half hour after we got there and by then Jade was tired and in every picture but one, she stuck her tongue out. If it wasn't so frustrating, it would have been hilarious. So after Erin came to meet us at the picture place, I convinced them to go and have supper with me, and while Erin was getting Jade out of the car, her door shut locking her keys and purse in the car.

So we asked the restraunt for a phone book, found a lock smith and when we were assured that he would be there within the half hour, we commenced eating our supper.

An hour later, we place a very frustrated phone call to the company and was told he "was two minutes away." After another half hour he finally showed up. He immediately told her that she needed to pay him $150 and sign a paper before he would unlock the door. Now, unfortunately for Erin, she has done this about 6 or 7 times before, so she knows pretty well how much a locksmith charges to open her door and it is no where near $150!!!

Here is Jade ready to steal my car and drive herself home! She is all about funny faces at this stage in her life. Crazy baby. Anyway, I told my (by this time crying) sister that there is no way she is paying that much, so we told the man that unless he would do it for $60 we would not be needing his services. He told us that we "wouldn't find ANYONE who would do it for that little" so we watched him drive away. Long story short we called the police, they gave us a number to call and another locksmith was there within 20 minutes and charged--you guessed it--$60!!!! So all is well that ends well.

Liss and I were getting kind of slap happy after an hour in they parking lot. Here is another one of Jade's classic funny faces.

Liss and Jade still not cooperating....

Well, two out of three isn't too bad. :-)Even with all the drama at the end we had a good time, and I can't wait for her to come and visit again.