Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy week...

Emma actually smiling for the camera! For those who don't know her, you know that is almost a miracle.

I braved a trip home to Michigan for Easter. Interestingly enough, it snowed the whole weekend. This global warming trend is so annoying!!! ;-) But it was really nice to get home and see the family again.

It was especially nice to see my brother and sister in law and their little girl Emma. We had a really short Christmas this year and half of us were very sick, Emma being the sickest of all. So I was really looking forward to seeing my little Emma Em not sick and wouldn't you know it? She was sick again. Can you say GRUMPY! :-)

In fact here is little miss Em yelling about getting the camera pointed at her!

So this has been a busy couple of weeks since I last posted anything. Went to IHC for a couple of days. Took my camera one day, but forgot my SD card. Some thing never change! It wasn't too disappointing though, since I barely saw anyone I know!

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